Chapter 5
Chapter 5 was all about user generated content on the internet, and I’ve used a lot of them.
Starting with Usenet, I remember being on a band’s Usenet about 25 years ago. I don’t recall exactly how I accessed, but I know it was through AOL. Part of me wants to say I used Mozilla Thunderbird as well when I ditched AOL, but it was so long ago that I really don’t recall.
Around the same time I would frequent a website called Fark that by the book definition was a news aggregator. I enjoyed the fact that you could get articles about pretty much anything, and then read other users comments on said articles.
I’ve never been much of a podcast guy. I think I don’t have the attention span. That’s not to say I’ve never listened to any, but it’s not a regular thing for me. I would say maybe 2-4 a year, if that.
I have never heard of the term “mashup” before in regards to the internet, I guess I use Amazon, but as for the other example I’ve never touched any of them.
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