Chapter 10 


  I’m not sure how to go about this one. I guess I collect data all the time since I’m in school learning CIS. I don’t have a database of my data, so it’s not structured, I also don’t have any metadata of my data.

  I have never heard of computation thinking in my life, but I get where it’s coming from. I’m sure everybody has looked at a problem at used some of the primary tools such as decomposition to attack whatever is challenging them.

  User interface and implementation I see right now. The icon to save this document is a 3.5 floppy disk, which haven’t been used in decades. Yet we still all know that that’s where to go to save our documents and whatnot. Implementation wise, instead of some magnetic tape, my document is sent off to Microsoft to hold on to. Thanks Bill Gates! 

  I’ve been off social media for about 5 years now, but it was an accepted fact that they were collecting my data. I remember seeing advertising that would feature my favorite sports teams, so it was obvious that they were using the things I “liked” to target ads towards me.  

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