Chapter 2
Chapter 2 gave a nice look into email. There were a lot of things that should be considered common knowledge, like sending and receiving email, but there were also some new things to learn about.
Now I use the two most popular webmail providers for my email. For school I use Outlook, and for personal use I have a couple of Gmail accounts. Being able to access them from any device as long as I can connect to the internet is convenient.
As far as netiquette goes, I’ve never really had to send formal emails. Most communication I would have with work superiors was either face to face or text messages. I was not aware that acronyms like “ASAP” were frowned upon in business communications and will make sure to not use those when the time comes.
I keep my PC clean by never opening files from unknown senders. If I don’t know the sender, straight to the trash folder if it didn’t get filtered there to begin with. On a rare occasion, I’ll get an email from an old acquaintance that has some sort of attachment in it. Knowing this guy is completely technologically ignorant and that he has no reason to ever send me any sort of file, the email goes once again straight to the trash and I let him know he got infected with something.
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